Max turned 1
I made a great recovery from my bi-lateral Pulmany Embolisms
I got a new job
We got to go on a 10 day vacation to the Beach
my sister go married
Mason Oliver ( Van Es) was born a healthy little boy!
Laney got both of her cohclear implants! ( we call them her "ears")
My friend Jenn moved back form Charlotte to NWA and bought her first house
Our friend's the Fox's bought their first house
Our friends Tiffany and Chris, Brian and Lindsey, Deidre & Chicago and my cousin Angela all annouced they were expecting babies in 2011
My friends Bre and Elizabeth BOTh got engaged and BOTH are getting married in 2011
Everyone was around teh Thanksgiving table this year - even my sister and gran from Charlotte and my aunt Phyllis from Colorado
We got to spend Christmas with all of our Families this year
My sister annouced she was finally moving home to NWA after livign in Charlotte for the past ten years.
Me and Mike paid off a car!
Me and Mike refianced our house!
Plans for 2011? We shall see! For now we're just enjoying everyday God gives us with little Max, our family and our friends. We are so blessed.