Saturday, March 28, 2015


Gymnastics at the Little Gym

I put Alex in a gymnastics class for a few months to make friends and to give him something fun to do and look forward to.  I signed him up at the Little Gym in Rogers on Fridays at 10am.  He loved it.  He learned so many new things.  I would definately recommend them.  We took a break from Gymnastics for soccer and tball season.  Also since the weather is getting warmer we will probably spend more time outside in the yard or a park instead of inside at a gym but we definatley plan on going back this year maybe start back in August when Max starts school so Alex will have something he gets to start too.  I took some pictures of him at gymnastics below.  

Sisters night out

Junque to Jewels is a place in Bentonville you can go and make crafts you get to take home that night.  Me and Kell decided we needed to go and make some new Spring door hangers.  We couldn't decide on a night, so I called them to see what nights they had with open spots.  They were actually having a class the next night they had 2 spots in because it was a make up day for the snow the week before.  Me and Kell were both free so I signed us up and we went the day after we decided to go.  It was fun.  Kell made a cross and an egg.  I made a bunny and a cross.   I actually ended up putting the bunny in my guest bath and the cross on the front door for Easter.  We had fun.  I took a few pictures below.  It was a fun night out with Kelley.  Looking forward to making going a night in April or May to celebrate Kelley's and Jennie's Birthdays. 

Kelley's egg

Kelley's cross

my cross

add bunny

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Rhea Lana's

I'm not afraid to say it.  I LOVE Rhea Lana's.  I look forward to it every Spring and every Fall.  What is Rhea Lana's?  It's just the best consignment sale there is.  Visit to learn more about it.  If you are a mom, grandma, aunt, uncle, grandpa......let me rephrase that....if you have kids in your life, you should be shopping at your local Rhea Lana's. I have been shopping and consigning at Rhea Lana's for 5 years.  I buy for my two sons and four nieces. 

 I sell things I don't need and make a little vacation money.  I love it!

Below are some questions and answers I sometimes get asked or hear.....

Why do I love it so much? 
 Because it not only lets me sell items I don't need anymore, but it lets me buy things for my boys at a reasonable cost.  It lets me spoil my boys.  I can go cheap and get a $3 hat or I can go all out and get seven $5 swim suits instead of just two $15 ones at Target.Who doesn't like a good deal? I find neat and unusual stuff.  It helps me save money but also get things for my boys I might not get otherwise.  

Consigning takes too much time....
Yes, sometimes its a pain, but its worth it! Who doesn't want to clean out there closets and get paid for it?  I put in maybe 2 hours of work on this rhea lana's and made $320 AND got to shop before everyone else.  Sounds like a good deal to me. So every time you go to get another onesie, another hanger, another tag, another safety pin say to yourself "  I'm making money, I'm making money, I'm making money....I get to shop early, I get to shop early, I get to shop early......and I PROMISE the more times you consign, the faster it gets!!!

You buy used stuff?
I always say....GENTLY used you mean.  Sometimes it's barely even worn, looks brand new, and sometimes the tags are still on!  Yes, you will find stuff that slips through the cracks.  You will see a few tears and a few rips, but those are few and far between and there are 110,000 items.  Keep looking and you'll find something you like :)  I have no problem buying a hat another kid wore a few times, or a bike thats had some practice on it or a book thats been read before, and I don't mind teaching my kids that as well.

What's your secret?
Have a tub handy - in the bottom of the cloest or in the garage.  Put things in here through the year when you know you want to get rid of something or they out grow it.  Start early.  Do NOT wait til the last minute to enter your items into the database if you are selling.  I make a list of what I need. I shop at 9am on Saturdays. Shop early.  The earlier you shop, the more selection you are going to have.  The better deals you will find.  Practice makes perfect.  Bring your mom to help!

How do you shop at 9am?
Help out on Marketing Day - this year I dropped a few flyers at a few businesses and I put a yard sign in my yard advertising the sale
Volunteer a shift OR if you are unable than bring a snack/drinks for those who do
That will get you in at 9

What all do you buy there....
Anything....Shoes, hats, baby stuff, clothes, uniforms, costumes, toys, outdoor toys, riding toys, furniture for your house, rocking chairs, swimming stuff, maternity clothes, books, dvd's  you name it - it's probably there.  

What do you buy there? What's it like?
See below!

TONS of toys all ages

Riding toy anyone?

Walkers, Leap frog tables galore

These are just part of the girls clothes - there's boys clothes too of course I just didn't grab a picture

Brand new Lalaloopsy for my neice for $7  and 2 pairs of Sunglasses $3

Two complete outfits just $3.50 each

Brand new Old Navy shirt with tags $3.50 and Justice jeans for $5

2 dresses $3.50 each

nice dress $5

WAY too many shoes for my boys

Stuff for Max

Stuff for Alex

All of it

The most exciting part about Rhea Lana's for me as a stay at home mom!!! I contributed to our Spring break fund.
So...Thank you Rhea Lana's for helping out Stay at Home mom's like me and giving me something to look forward to......and if you know a mom to be, or you know a mom or grandma that could use some stuff or has stuff to sell, tell them to read my blog and tell them to visit the rhea lana's website.  They can learn more about how to get involved.  They will be thankful they did.  Happy Consigning and Happy Shopping!