Sunday, January 2, 2011

Open Deer Season Weekend

Every year Mike and I go do to Delight for open Deer Season. This year it was November 12th through November 15th. We got to take Monday the 15th off which was great. That gives us time to process all of the deer. It was a difficult begining to the weekend, on our way down we were less than a mile from our house and my mom called to tell me a friend of mine had passed away becuase of a seizure in his house. It came as a complete shock. I knew this was an important weekend to Mike, so we went ahead and traveled down. I am so glad we went. For those of you that haven't been to Delight ( and I'm sure that's almost everyone reading this) it's a very relaxing place. It was a great time spent with family enjoying the great outdoors. Over the years I have learned to appriciate this special weekend more and more. I think this was about my 6th or 7th open deer season weekend trip. We always have so much fun on this trip and we all look forward to it every year. See pictures below!

Max and Bekah enjoying the creek and the huge leaf bekah found
Uncle Mikey helping bekah tackle the huge slide

Max in awe of the new playground

Bekah and PawPaw take a walk (his stick is actually for picking up and recycling cans around delight)
Everyone walks to the park

This is how close I was to a deer in the woods - isn't that crazy!

I was so proud of Mike for getting his buck! and even more proud that he let me be up ont he stand with him. Mike is 2 for 2 now of years that he's let me sit with him and him get a deer...I think it might become a tradition (wink wink)...MiMi was nice to watch Max so Mike and I could get out and hunt together, we had so much fun - eventhough Mike thinks it's a miracle that I can stay quite for that long - I honestly enjoy just being out in the queit forest where you can only hear the leafs falling from the trees, birds, and an ocassional deer. The picture below is Mike doing step 2 of processing a deer ( details left out of this post)...A big Thank you to Matt and Nate for the help....My only part was pictures, ice, and an icechest - check!

My view of where the deer came out of the trees

Mike up in "our" stand

Mimi, Max, and Bekah play at the Delight park MiMi and PawPaw with the kiddos ( Max was being a little complicated!)

The Lamb Family shot before Church Max convinced Layton to give him some cereral Do these two look like trouble? Laytonand Max have the same birthday - 2 years apart. on February 16th Max will turn 2 and Layton will turn 4. We joke with Max that the reason why he put me thorugh a 26.5 hour labor was so that he could have the same birthday as his cousin Layton. Max won
Layton, Max, and Bekah on the swing. Max was trying to hang with the "big kids"

Mike' Grandpa

Max touching Nate's Deer

Yep - Nate killed a deer and brough it over on his honda...while holding the feet out the window.

A few videos below that Mike got on his i phone of the trip...

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