Max started potty training a little before he was 2 and a half. I remember this because Max was 2 years, 5 months and 2 weeks when Alex was born and we started trying to potty train him by the time Alex arrived on September 3, 2011. Well little did we know that
A. Max wasn't really ready
B. It takes longer than a day to potty train your kid (that's an exaggeration but I really don't think we knew what we were getting ourselves into trying to potty train our first kid)
C. We were first time parents - I'm pretty sure we didn't know a lot :)
Max was in pull ups for about a month or two mainly at night. November 1st, when he was 2 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, we sent him to Mother's Day out. They told us he had to be in underwear in order to move up tot he next class. That's when we kicked potty training into high gear. Max was a big kid and he towered over the other kids in his class. He also seemed a little bored and hated the mandatory naps in the "baby class". I told him if he could get to where he could wear underwear and not have accidents we could move him up to the next class. It took about a month but before we knew it, Max was potty trained. He moved up classes at school, rarely had accidents during the day - a few at night but by his 3rd Birthday I'd say he pretty much had the hang of it.
Alex just turned 2, and he is way excited about this potty thing. He has started way before Max and really wanting to go. I've let him practice and get the hang of it, but soon it will be time for him to really learn. I am thinking in a few weeks when the weather gets cooler and the boys play outside more I'll just let him play outside in underwear and try to learn that way. I think its more convincing me - the parent - to fully commit to this potty training thing again. It's not any easy thing to do for anyone that has not accomplished this feat before. It completely consumes your life for literally 24 hours a day and introduces you to all types of challenges and experience one has a hard time preparing them-self for. I feel like it's something that could go on my resume! haha twice! lol Well we'll see. Below are some pictures of the last few weeks as we familiarize Alex with the basics and getting him ready to potty train soon.
we got him a potty seat from Rhea Lana's for $4. He was really excited about it and has made things so much easier. |
I love this one. Max and Alex both got out of the bath and Alex yelled he had to go potty. He ran to the potty and max was right behind him. He picked up his brother and put him on the potty and cheered him on. So sweet Max is trying to help him learn. |
sometimes he will stand to go potty, but this is rare. I think because he's so tiny he thinks he might fall in? |
sometimes I catch Alex running around with a wet diaper and his pants. He doesn't like it when his diaper is too wet so he will just take it off, bring it to me, and tell me he needs a new one. |
Over the summer we let them play in the water a lot. Don't worry, I promise they wear swim suits when they are playing. BUT I always take their swim suits off right before we head to the bath so they don't drip all over the house. Before I knew it, I turn around and see this. This was too cute not to take a picture of. So funny |
Alex is getting big enough that he will put the seat on and get on the potty all by himself. It takes him a while, but he'll do it. |
after he goes potty he gets a prize. Normally 5 skittles. He sure knows where to go to get his prize. I keep them on top of the refrigerator. |
I try to always have him go potty before bedtime. |
Lately he has been asking for a book to read while he is on the potty. So funny. |
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