Monday, October 19, 2009

Trip to Delight

We made our first hunting trip down to Delight this season - This is only a few picture s- many more to come. MiMi was taking so many I thought I'd just take a few and than get the rest from her camera. Max was so excited to go down - he helped us pack. The other pictures are some deer I saw outside of Mike's Grandpa's house. We went down on Friday night - made pretty good time - but Max had a rough ride - he finally fell asleep around Mount Ida - I don't think he like's it when it get's dark - he thinks we're trying to put him asleep - and when he isn't ready to go to sleep he is not ready to go to sleep! Mike got up early on Saturday and went Muzzleloading. He shot a deer! It was a doe - so good for the meat - Mike says. Me and Max and MiMi hung out at the house while Mike, his dad, and Nathan - his cousin - hunted and Matt - Mike's brother - painted. It was a beautiful fall day. We even got to watch an exciting Florida game. We didn't win - but it sure was fun to watch. Saturday night Mike and Matt when and helped his dad who shot 2 deer! Me, Tracy, Max and Mike's uncle Johnny cooked a delicious meal while the guys were out. Sunday we got up and went to church - came home and processed a deer....than headed back on the road to Northwest Arkansas. It was a great trip. We're headed back down for rifle season in just 4 weeks!!!

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