Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Vacation Bible School

 Vacation Bible School Week

I had the privilege to help lead VBS at my church again this summer.  It is a very long and hectic week, but I look forward to it every year.  Alex is still too little, next year he will go to the teacher's kids class, but he still "participates"  He wore the right color each day, brought the donation for each day, put his offering in the bucket, went in the sanctuary to help people check in.....and than my mom would take him home and watch him...but he sure thought he was doing everything everyone else was!  Last year Max was in the Teacher's kids class, so this year was his first year to be in an actual VBS group.  I actually decided to lead his group this year too, so that made it easy.  Mary Frannie, Mabry, and Laney also got to join us everyday.   

This year the theme was Kingdom Rock, where Kids Stand Strong for God.
Everyday we taught the children how you can stand strong with the help of God's Love, Friends and Family, Trusting God, praying, and reading the bible. The kids talked about their life and learned how God fits in it everyday.  We talked to them about the events that might happen in their life and how to stand strong during them. It's an amazing thing to see 365+ kids from the age of 3 to 12 sing about God, learn about God, and be excited about God. There were over 100 volunteers this week that got to witness VBS first hand. Sometimes I have to remind myself during the week why I volunteer (haha) but so many times during the week and especially once the week is over and you have time to think about the week you are reminded of how blessed we were to have the opportunity to be involved with Vacation Bible school.

Day 1

Wear Red and Bring Apples
Bible Point: God’s love
helps us stand strong.
Bible Verse: "I love you, Lord;
you are my strength."
(Psalm 18:1)
Bible Story: David writes about
God's love. (Psalm 23)

Day 2

Wear Green and Bring a Can of Vegatables
Bible Point: Family and friends
help us stand strong.
Bible Verse: "So encourage
each other and build each
other up." (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
Bible Story: Mordecai
encourages Esther to do
the right thing. (Esther 1–9)

Day 3

Wear Blue and Bring toothpaste
Bible Point: Prayer helps us
stand strong.
Bible Verse: "Don’t worry about
anything; instead, pray about
everything." (Philippians 4:6)
Bible Story: Nehemiah
perseveres to rebuild the
wall around Jerusalem.
(Nehemiah 1–6)

Day 4
Wear Orange and Bring Cereal
Bible Point: Trusting God
helps us stand strong.
Bible Verse: "Trust in the Lord
always, for the Lord God is the
eternal Rock." (Isaiah 26:4)
Bible Story: Jesus dies
and comes back to life.
(Luke 22:39–24:12)
I remember a story about this day.  We were sitting in story telling and learning about how Jesus died and came back to life.  Its not an easy story to tell a 5 year old, but sometimes what they get out of the story is much more than the story itself. Miss April (the story teller) told the boy the story about the tomb and Jesus dying and the rock rolling away and Jesus was not there anymore because Jesus was alive.  When the story was over the little boy said, ya but Jesus isn't really alive, that's just a story.  Miss April said no, Jesus is alive.  The little boy said how do we know that?  Miss April said, because this book (she holds up the bible) tells us he is alive.  The bible tells us stories that are true, and te bible tells us that Jesus is alive.  The boy just looked her, smiled, and!

Below is a song we sang everyday during story time
The Bible is a special book, The Bible is a special Book
With words, and prayers, and stories that are true
The Bible says that God loves you

Day 5

Wear Yellow and Bring Peanut butter or jelly
Bible Point: The Bible
helps us stand strong.
Bible Verse: "Your word is a
lamp to guide my feet and a
light for my path." (Psalm 119:105)
Bible Story: King Josiah follows
God’s way. (2 Kings 22:1–23:23)

The kids learning to stand strong

so much food was brought for the daily bread.  A wonderful food pantry that is a part of our church that helps feed hundreds of NWA residents every week.

Performance Day!

On Sunday all the kids gathered and wore their matching tie dye tshirts and sang their songs in front of church and the older kids read the bible stories and talked about their week.  It was a fun way to end VBS week and sharing everything we learned with the parents and the church congrigation.

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