Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I'm a stay at home mom....

I love staying home with my boys.
It's not always easy - I definitely have my about to pull out my hair moments....

There are days I find Alex in the corner of the office with scissors and a cut up slinky or cut up packets of ketchup
There are some days I find them climbing fences

There are days Max asks me 100 times to watch a movie when it's a beautiful day outside
There are days I attempt to go to Walmart to grab a few essentials and end up leaving the cart to chase after my two kids who thought it would be a good time to play chase
or times I have to shop like this...

There are days Max will spill an entire bowl of milk and cereal on the floor I just mopped
There are days when Max and Alex thinks a good idea to paint the office carpet yellow, or try to peel away our textured paint.
There are days you never know where you'r going to find them next...

There are days ...
There are days...
There are days...

There are many days when we get to sleep in and snuggle as long as we want

There are many days we get to cook breakfast together and watch cartoons in our pj's

There are days I get to see their face light up when I tell them we are going to a park to play

There are days when they scream with excitement because I took them to Chuckee Cheese as a surprise

There are days when I surprise them with a trip to the Water park

There are days we just make our water parks in the back yard

There are days we just play in the rain

There are days I get to teach them chores like tending to the garden, taking out the trash, watering the plants, paying bills, and getting the mail

There are days we take naps together

 There are days when it rains and we spend hours in the toy room making up new games and exploring new toys

There are days when we get to surprise Mike and have dinner all cooked and prepared when he walks
 through the door

There are days
There are days
There are days....

through it all....

They have become my best friends, my pals, my buddies

Because I am home, we get more quality time together as a family
Less stress and more organized

Max is going to Kindergarten in a week which got me thinking about all of this. I am beyond thankful for all the time I have gotten to spend with him since I quit my job when he was only two and a half.  I am so thankful as scary as that was, that we took the leap of faith and jump into the unknown :)  I wouldn't have it any other way.

Next week starts a new routine as stay home mom with one kid in school and the other not.  Wish us luck.  I'm sure it will take some time to get used to - but I am excited. wish us luck!!!

Found this on pinterest....made me laugh

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