Monday, February 17, 2014

Alex's accident

Mike went out of town on the Van Es fishing trip
Alex was on Day 6 of potty training in underwear
I went to my mom's for the weekend (since my dad was at the fishing trip too) so she could help me keep my sanity :)
We took the boys out for a few errands on Saturday.  
Carters (the kids clothing store) was to be our last errand.
The boys were a little rowdy, I could tell they were hungry/tired.
I asked them to sit at the table and play in the middle of Carters.  There were 5 kids at the table.  They kept taking turns running form the table and getting the toys from this rack that were for sale and not to play with.  I kept telling them to not touch those toys because they were for sale and not to play with, but it was 5 kids against me and I think they were having a hard time listening :)  About that time Alex gets up from the table and runs to the same rack again, slips on a stuffed animal and fall and hits his face on the rack.
Luckily mom had checked out and it was time to leave anyways, so I grabbed him and saw blood and rushed to the car since I didn't have anything to clean it up in the car.  About this time I realize the tooth is lose and has been pushed back.  I get him cleaned up and on the way home (he's still bawling)  I call the emergency dentist.  They decided since it wasn't about to fall out, that we were to just keep a close eye on it and for us to go get x rays on Monday.  I would say the hardest party of waiting until Monday was that we had to go soft foods only (no pretzels that he is addicted to) and no sippy cup, that was the tough one.

poor guys mouth

his mouth swelled so much he didn't even look like his normal self

2 days later the swelling started to go down

big boy drinking out of a straw not a sippy cup

Monday morning 7am we leave for the dentist for some x rays

both boys at the dentist
Well - the dentist said we would leave it in there which was a relief, we didn't want to pull it at such a young age.  She also said that the swelling should go down and help move the tooth go back into place, which about a week later, it did just that.  A few weeks later - we are now noticing the tooth starting to lose it's color.  I hope it doesn't do the same thing as Max's front tooth and die, get infected, and than us have to pull it - but atleast he will be older than now when that happens.  For now Alex still has all his teeth - so that is good news to us.

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