Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Our Garage sale find

One Saturday in September Mike wakes up and decides he wants to go garage selling.  I love to do this and thought it would be a fun family activity.  We had a soccer game so only had about an hour but we thought we could hit up one or two before the game so we loaded up the boys and off we went!

 and boy was it worth it!  Look what we found.  

We drove up to a nice neighborhood and the guy had all blown up on his driveway.  It was love at first site.....for all of us in the car, haha.  Mike walked up and asked the guy how much.  $40?  Sounded good to us!  He even gave us a set of 3 reindeer and a sligh that light up in our yard for christmas (sorry not pictured).  I don't know who was more excited.  The boys for getting a new aswesome slide, me for the reindeer, or Mike for having success at a garage sale.  It is an awesome memory with the boys we still talk about til this day.

Best news is it was an extremely hot day so we blew it it up and put water in it the same day we bought it!  It was even more fun than the boys thought.

Below is a recent picture.  It is great to play with in our recent fall weather too, we just don't put water on the slide.  So it's like a bouncy house.  Me and Mike relax in the yard while the boys play away.

the slide is still up in our backyard even will be a sad day when we put it up for Winter :(

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